Wednesday, May 7, 2014


One of my favorite blogs is Writers in the Storm. Once again, I'm not sure how to post that link, but I can copy and paste the link on the post I want to comment on:

The article, by Fae Rowen, translates to me that in order to keep our readers interested we need to be more observant to what goes on around us in order to create in-depth characters that our readers won't find boring. Everyday life is a story, and we need to be aware of how it affects us as writers. Be curious. Observe. Open up your mind to the whys?, how comes? and let our creative minds run away with it. I left the comment about my fear of the answers to those questions stifling my writing. Fear shouldn't even be in our vocabulary unless we're writing horror or mystery. I write neither.

So how do I overcome this fear? How can I be more observant to be able to create the memorable characters I want my readers to remember, and ask for more of their story? The answer for me is to take off my blinders. Look sideways, up, down, and really listen to what is going on around me. Overcome the fear of getting too close. That's where the stories are. I shouldn't be afraid of using the people, places and things I observe as characters, settings and themes/plots. I'm a writer, I can twist and turn them so no one recognizes them as the real thing. 

Get out there. Observe. Be Curious. Use all of your senses to absorb what is going on around you. Don't be afraid to really look. And stare. Now, take those observances and write something about them. Rewrite if necessary. Good Job!

Now, I need to send this memo to myself.

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