Monday, May 19, 2014


The Baton has been passed on to me for the Baton Blog Hop from contemporary romance author Carrie Nichols. Now, a bit about her:

Carrie Nichols has always loved writing. She worked as a freelance journalist in her hometown in Western Massachusetts, specializing in human interest stories. When her husband's job meant a move to East Tennessee, she gave up writing for a while. A year ago when her youngest son graduated college and moved out, she turned his old bedroom into her home office. She turned to her first love, writing romance, to help fill the void of an empty nest. She entered Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write 2013 Contest and the first chapter of her romantic suspense, Heroes and Heartache, was a top 50 finalist. She entered Tempted To Write sponsored by Mills and Boon and won day five of the short story contest. The editors called her winning entry "fun, fab and sexy". Carrie is also very active in the Writer's Circle Forum on eHarlequin and enjoys the 1k Writer's Challenges. Five of her six entries have won first place and a sixth one coming in at second place. Carrie is currently at work on two contemporary category romances, Rescuing Riley and The Sheriff's Little Matchmaker. Both feature characters created during  those 1k challenges. Carrie is a member of RWA and Georgia Romance Writers and a founding member of Chattanooga Women Writers.


Carrie says inquiring minds want to know a bit about me, too, so here are the long awaited answers! :-)

 What Are You Working On??  I'm working on a series of western romances geared toward the Harlequin Desire line. The stories are set in a fictional town amidst the rugged beauty of Montana. The first book features an independent veterinarian and a confirmed bachelor rancher. I think some sparks will be flying.

How Does Your Work Differ From Other Author's Work In The Same Genre? I'm hoping my in-depth characters, sexual tension and dialogue set my voice apart from other authors. Of course, it's something we all have to work at daily, and I want to do that work so I can claim my voice.

Why Do You Write In Your Genre? First, I'm a die-hard romantic. I still blush at all things sexual, and love to read and see the unfolding love building between characters in fiction and real life!

How Does My Writing Process Work? I started out being neither a pantser or a plotter! I just wrote! Then I go back and see if there's a theme there. Online classes have helped me put it all together to make believable characters and stories from all the gobbledygook I write! I credit Laurie Schnebly Campbell, a great critique partner and encouragement from other writers for keeping me on track to accomplish my daily goals and dreams.

So, there you have it. If you want to participate in any of the contests mentioned here, or would like to participate in the Baton Blog hop, let me know. I've got the answers. 

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