Hello Reader,
I must confess I didn't mean to let nine months go by since my last post. I could list all the excuses, but then I use up my wordage limit and I want to say so much more. Not asking for forgiveness here, so I'll just write.
July 10th was a banner day for me. I turned in my first three chapters and synopsis to Entangled Publishing after a request from an editor through a pitchfest sponsored by SavvyAuthors.com. It was my first request so I'm quite proud of myself. I've had one rejection from another publisher on the same submission, but I recovered, edited, rewrote and sent the new and improved mss and synopsis to Entangled.
Now the waiting begins. In the meantime, I'm finishing up my first draft and will go immediately into polishing that puppy up. Also, I've taken a few classes on structure, dialogue, and rhetorical devices plus devouring a lot of craft books. My other half never comments on my all-day house cleaning binge, but he does notice the circles under my eyes. Can he also see the words leaking from almost every orifice in my body?
A few of the books I've read or reread have been GMC by Debra Dixon, Techniques Of The Selling Writer by Swain, Self-Editing For Fiction Writers by Browne and King and a lot more. Conflict and dialogue seem to be the toughest issues in my writing journey so I try to scope out every article, post, and book I can get on those subjects.
I'm also working on posting a new picture of myself. My hair is way down my back and my new glasses give me a sexy librarian look (IMHO).
I've listed many goals on this blog (and others) so this post will contain only one. Blogging is not my first love...reading is. So once a month I will try to do my best and offer something worthwhile to the cyber world and parts unknown.
Hope you get to write today,
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