That's all I can say, or write. These past few weeks have taken a toll on everyone, and I am feeling so blessed right now that all my family and friends are safe. I've lived through a disaster, and it is possible to recover. Life goes on...with or without us, and I'd rather be in the living column.
We Will Never Forget...all the victims of 9/11 and their families. My heart and prayers are with you.
The 4th of this month was a banner day for me. I managed, by the hair of my chinnie-chin-chin to submit my first three chapters, synopsis and query letter to an open submissions invite from Carina Press, an imprint of Harlequin. Normally, a full manuscript is all they will allow, but the editor's curiosity got the best of them, and they wanted to see what us wannabe-authors were working on...our Work-In-Progress, WIP, if you will, and I jumped on the bandwagon. A writer friend of mine in New York informed me of this opportunity so we worked together to get our WIPs whipped into shape and editor-ready. Fingers crossed at this point...we have to give them up to 12 weeks for a response to our hard work. I'm willing to wait. Of course, while I'm waiting I'm thinking of all the stupid dialogue, shoddy descriptions, blah names, and poor GMC that I foisted on my characters and story line.
But, my dear readers, that is why we call it a Work-In-Progress. We get to fix the POS to the best of our ability so it really shines!
Hope you get to write today,
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