Friday, May 2, 2014

Writer, here

Well, I've worked on this blog all day, and it's a testament to my expertise of technology and the inability to understand all the jargon. Which means I know nothing, nada, zip, zilch about what I'm doing. I know all my faults, and admit every one. Besides being directionally challenged, I stink at computer stuff. "Nuff said. I'll get to my other numerous faults later.

The real reason for this blog is to record my daily thoughts, words and life happenings. I'm attempting to complete a series of romance books for the Harlequin Desire line, and on these pages you'll witness my struggles and triumphs. I'm putting it out there for all to see. Pull up a chair and enjoy the show.

First of all, a bit about my life-long yearning to write. I started when my only child, a daughter, was very young. Fast forward about thirty-five years, and here I am...beginning again. As I said to a fellow writer, I'm at the back door of my life, but the passion is there,  and that's what I'm counting on. Not to mention, lots of reading, my critique partner, encouraging emails from other authors and classes.

Maybe as I try to post something everyday this blog will get better looking. I also know as I write everyday I'll get better at that, too.


  1. Great post, Marcia. Stop by Seekerville. You won a book. email us at seekers at seekerville dot net

  2. Technically challenged or not, your blog looks great. And you're absolutely right about about writing. The more you do it, the better you get.
