Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reading When I Should Be Writing...


I can see my last blog entry was over a year ago.

Obviously, it wasn't high on my priority list of "things to do today".

So, I'm here today, and, we need to talk.

My CP and I were Skyping last night, talking about the usual; writing, ideas, books we've read (or want to read), and what we had or were having (three hour time difference) for dinner.

The website came up for discussion. This is a site where you can get ARC's (advanced readers copy) of books not yet published. My CP introduced me to this site and I love it! Now, there is a catch...those silly little rules. What would we do without them? Anyway, long story short, there are some you can read, and some you can't depending on what kind of "person" you are. Here's a short blurb directly from the site:

"NetGalley is a service to promote titles to professional readers of influence. If you are a reviewer, blogger, journalist, librarian, bookseller, educator, or in the media, you can use NetGalley for FREE to request, read and provide feedback about forthcoming titles. Your feedback and recommendations are essential to publishers and readers alike."

OK. I'm neither/none of these tags/qualifiers, except for a blogger. But, not the right kind of blogger. I need to be a "book blog". Another excerpt from my you-cannot-read-this-book email:

Please include a direct link to your review site and/or direct links to your reviews.
In order to be approved, your review space must follow this criteria:
     - Your book blog has been established and active for 3 months+.
     - You regularly update your book blog with book reviews, author interviews, or book discussion threads.
     - Your blog displays reader interaction (i.e. comments, giveaway entries, good social media following).
     - Please provide information on the number of unique visitors you receive in a given month (500+ are preferred)."

"500 unique visitors"??? I'm lucky if I look at it once a day! Whoo-wee! And I was seriously thinking of turning this blog into a book review blog. Lofty dreams, Marcia.

I guess I'm going somewhere with this. Since I do read more than I write, I will start putting my reviews on this blog since I'm also posting on netgalley, Amazon and Goodreads. Just one more place to copy and paste. I can do it while waiting for my "500 unique visitors".

On the home front...put my garden in a month late so I'm hoping to get at least a few tomatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers before the hot Nevada sun fries them into oblivion. We've enjoyed the radishes of which I've picked the last of, and looking forward to kale, onions and carrots, too. Be gentle, oh Sun god.

I'm reading lots of Jennifer Ryan these last few days so will review them as a whole on my next post.

Hope you get to write today.
