Cooler weather here in the desert is a sign for me to really get moving. The heat is so detrimental to my energy I tend to put on weight as going outside is not an option during the summer months here in Nevada. We tend to go from AC to AC like a child doing hop-scotch on the sidewalk. Now that the heat has dissipated a bit I can start to plan my garden, walk a bit and open windows to air out the house.
Even my writing takes on a new energization. Yes, I'm still on my first book, but I've set a goal to finish the rough draft by year's end. I've written almost 21,000 words of a 55-60,000 word manuscript so I've got a ways to go. If I break it down and write every day starting today I would need to produce approximately 500 words per day. That seems doable. But. There's this phenom called LIFE that sometimes gets in the way. Not using it as an excuse, but a fact. Still, now that I've figured this all out it does sound doable. I'm going for it!
I've purchased the Scrivener program mostly to get myself organized. I've got literally hundreds of notes, copies, and notebooks full of words just from this one manuscript. Chapters just willy-nilly in WORD and I'm getting nowhere with my manuscript. I'm hoping Scrivener will help me put it all in one place and neatly. Then there is the learning curve...
This month will mark the third meeting of our newly formed writer's group at my local library. It's such a boon to see my name in print as the host, but its success will be because of the writers who attend every month. It's just a small group now, but I see it getting bigger as we go along and get more exposure. The library has access to multiple venues of advertising and seeing them posted as I go about town is just the encouragement I need to make it work. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.
Hope you get to write today,
M. Lee